Download OpenAPI specification:Download
Report conversion of the main product without ancillary insurance products
partner_id required | string |
quote_package_id required | string Booking |
x-idempotency-key | string Idempotency key |
partner_metadata | object (Partner metadata) This field takes partner-specific fields. The keys represent field names and can be any arbitrary string.The values must be one of the simple JSON types: string, boolean, number or null. It’s impossible to use complex types i.e. objects and arrays. |
Request Succeeded
Unknown partner or booking, or booking does not belong to the partner
Duplicated request
Resource is locked
{- "partner_metadata": { }
{- "type": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "code": "string",
- "href": "string",
- "errors": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
Create a quote with provided parameters
partner_id required | string |
fast_quote | boolean Fast quote calculation.Quote will be calculated, but results won't be stored. |
active_only | boolean Select only active policies if testing API key is used. |
include_extra_fields | boolean Include extra_fields in Fast quote response. Shall be used in conjunction with "fast_quote" |
extra_fields | string Extra fields to include in response |
currency required | string (Currency) Enum: "AED" "AFN" "ARS" "AUD" "AZN" "BAM" "BDT" "BGN" "BHD" "BRL" "BSD" "BYN" "CAD" "CHF" "CLP" "CNY" "COP" "CRC" "CZK" "DJF" "DKK" "EGP" "ERN" "ETB" "EUR" "FJD" "GBP" "GEL" "GTQ" "HKD" "HNL" "HRK" "HUF" "IDR" "ILS" "INR" "IQD" "ISK" "JOD" "JPY" "KES" "KHR" "KRW" "KWD" "KZT" "LAK" "LBP" "LKR" "MAD" "MKD" "MUR" "MVR" "MXN" "MYR" "NGN" "NOK" "NPR" "NZD" "OMR" "PEN" "PHP" "PKR" "PLN" "QAR" "RON" "RSD" "RUB" "SAR" "SDG" "SEK" "SGD" "SYP" "THB" "TJS" "TRY" "TWD" "UAH" "UGX" "USD" "UYU" "UZS" "VND" "XPF" "YER" "ZAR" |
request required | Array of objects (PolicyRequest) |
customer_country required | string (Customer country) Enum: "AF" "AX" "AL" "DZ" "AS" "AD" "AO" "AI" "AQ" "AG" "AR" "AM" "AW" "AU" "AT" "AZ" "BS" "BH" "BD" "BB" "BY" "BE" "BZ" "BJ" "BM" "BT" "BO" "BQ" "BA" "BW" "BV" "BR" "IO" "BN" "BG" "BF" "BI" "CV" "KH" "CM" "CA" "KY" "CF" "TD" "CL" "CN" "CX" "CC" "CO" "KM" "CG" "CD" "CK" "CR" "CI" "HR" "CU" "CW" "CY" "CZ" "DK" "DJ" "DM" "DO" "EC" "EG" "SV" "GQ" "ER" "EE" "SZ" "ET" "FK" "FO" "FJ" "FI" "FR" "GF" "PF" "TF" "GA" "GM" "GE" "DE" "GH" "GI" "GO" "GR" "GL" "GD" "GP" "GU" "GT" "GG" "GN" "GW" "GY" "HT" "HM" "VA" "HN" "HK" "HU" "IS" "IN" "ID" "IR" "IQ" "IE" "IM" "IL" "IT" "JM" "JP" "JE" "JO" "KZ" "KE" "KI" "XK" "KW" "KG" "LA" "LV" "LB" "LS" "LR" "LY" "LI" "LT" "LU" "MO" "MG" "MW" "MY" "MV" "ML" "MT" "MH" "MQ" "MR" "MU" "YT" "MX" "FM" "MD" "MC" "MN" "ME" "MS" "MA" "MZ" "MM" "NA" "NR" "NP" "NL" "NC" "NZ" "NI" "NE" "NG" "NU" "NF" "KP" "MK" "MP" "NO" "OM" "PK" "PW" "PS" "PA" "PG" "PY" "PE" "PH" "PN" "PL" "PT" "PR" "QA" "RE" "RO" "RU" "RW" "BL" "SH" "KN" "LC" "MF" "PM" "VC" "WS" "SM" "ST" "SA" "SN" "RS" "SC" "SL" "SG" "SX" "SK" "SI" "SB" "SO" "ZA" "GS" "KR" "SS" "ES" "LK" "SD" "SR" "SJ" "SE" "CH" "SY" "TW" "TJ" "TZ" "TH" "TL" "TG" "TK" "TO" "TT" "TN" "TR" "TM" "TC" "TV" "UG" "UA" "AE" "GB" "UM" "US" "UY" "UZ" "VU" "VE" "VN" "VG" "VI" "WF" "EH" "YE" "ZM" "ZW" |
customer_region | string (Customer region) <= 64 characters Nullable Country subdivision where the customer resides (as defined by ISO-3166-2, e.g. "AU-NSW", "FR-20R", "IS-1", "JP-13", "SE-T", "SI-099", "US-NY") |
customer_language | string (Customer language) [ 1 .. 8 ] characters Customer's language |
customer_email | string <email> (Customer email) <= 254 characters Nullable Email address of the customer (bq_policy_pii) |
customer_ip | string (Customer ip) non-empty Nullable |
customer_postcode | string (Customer postcode) <= 32 characters Nullable |
customer_id | string <uuid> (Customer id) |
partner_subsidiary | string (Partner subsidiary) <= 128 characters Nullable Subsidiary of the Partner if applicable |
partner_transaction_id | string (Partner transaction id) <= 1024 characters Nullable A unique id of the transaction record (booking, order, etc) on the partner side. It can be used in get booking endpoint, but only if characters are limited to alphanumeric symbols, hyphens and underscores. |
partner_customer_id | string (Partner customer id) <= 1024 characters Nullable Partner's customer ID for this transaction |
partner_metadata | object (Partner metadata) This field can be used to pass custom information along with the quote request. The value of this field should be a JSON object representing key-value pairs with a string, boolean or number as a value. Complex data types like objects or array are not allowed. |
policyholder | object (Policyholder) Nullable Policyholder information (bq_policy_pii) |
opt_out | boolean (Opt out) Default: false Should the created quote be automatically opted out (no booking can be made) |
Fast Quote
Unknown partner
Quote params are incorrect or quote cannot be processed.
{- "currency": "AED",
- "request": [
- {
- "plan": "string",
- "class": "string",
- "esimid": "string",
- "flights": [
- {
- "legs": [
- {
- "cost": 0,
- "carrier": "string",
- "arrival_city": "string",
- "flight_number": "string",
- "flight_status": "On-Time",
- "ticket_status": "Active",
- "departure_city": "string",
- "arrival_airport": "string",
- "arrival_country": "string",
- "arrival_datetime": "2025-02-03T00:15:43Z",
- "customer_rebooked": true,
- "departure_airport": "string",
- "departure_country": "string",
- "departure_datetime": "2025-02-03T00:15:43Z",
- "flight_delay_reason": "string",
- "customer_compensation": 0,
- "flight_delay_duration": "string",
- "flight_cancellation_reason": "string",
- "marketing_airline_iata_code": "string",
- "marketing_airline_icao_code": "string",
- "operating_airline_iata_code": "string",
- "operating_airline_icao_code": "string"
], - "price": 0,
- "arrival_city": "string",
- "departure_city": "string",
- "arrival_airport": "string",
- "arrival_country": "string",
- "arrival_datetime": "2025-02-03T00:15:43Z",
- "departure_airport": "string",
- "departure_country": "string",
- "departure_datetime": "2025-02-03T00:15:43Z",
- "airline_reservation_number": "string"
], - "resident_id": "string",
- "tours_price": 0,
- "baggage_count": 0,
- "flights_price": 0,
- "is_standalone": true,
- "trip_end_date": "2025-02-03T00:15:43Z",
- "flexible_ticket": true,
- "trip_start_date": "2025-02-03T00:15:43Z",
- "number_of_adults": 0,
- "departure_country": "string",
- "number_of_infants": 0,
- "accomodation_price": 0,
- "number_of_children": 0,
- "reservation_number": "string",
- "destination_country": "string",
- "total_tickets_price": 1,
- "frequent_flyer_details": [
- {
- "frequent_flyer_number": "string"
], - "policy_start_date": "2025-02-03T00:15:43Z",
- "insured": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "last_name": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "address1": "string",
- "address2": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "postcode": "string",
- "region": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "age": 0,
- "birth_date": "2025-02-03",
- "metadata": { },
- "company": "string"
], - "policy_end_date": "2025-02-03T00:15:43Z",
- "policy_type_version": 1,
- "policy_type": "travel_personal_electronics"
], - "customer_country": "AF",
- "customer_region": "string",
- "customer_language": "string",
- "customer_ip": "string",
- "customer_postcode": "string",
- "customer_id": "string",
- "partner_subsidiary": "string",
- "partner_transaction_id": "string",
- "partner_customer_id": "string",
- "partner_metadata": { },
- "policyholder": { },
- "opt_out": false
{- "currency": "str",
- "quotes": {
- "property1": {
- "id": "string",
- "policy_start_date": "2025-02-03T00:15:43Z",
- "policy_end_date": "2025-02-03T00:15:43Z",
- "price": 0,
- "price_formatted": "string",
- "policy": {
- "policy_type": "string",
- "policy_name": "string",
- "policy_code": "string",
- "policy_version": "string",
- "category": "string",
- "content": {
- "title": "string",